Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Who is Jennifer Starfield by Walt Barrett © 2014 Segment 3

Just a reminder that the character Jennifer Starfield © 2014 and all the materiel in this blog/story is copyrighted.  Anyone seeking publishing, television or film rights should contact  This material is part of an ongoing series and subject to editing and added photos.
Now let's find out who Jennifer Starfield really is.
Thank you,

Segment 3
Who Jennifer Starfield really is.
Jennifer Starfield is an ageless time traveler from the 31st century. She is from an extremely advanced civilization where every one's body is embedded with highly radical technology including micro electronic devices for medical monitoring and total treatment. Medical micro-robots, Brain implants including perfect vision and infra red vision, lightening fast reflexes, enhanced super intelligence and knowledge, limitless skill sets, photographic high speed memory and built in electronic weaponry that with one touch can render her opponents unconscious for hours.
She also has a particle physics implant which allows her to change dimensions, shapes or size and can literally walk through walls made from any material. The total weight of these micro devices is
5 grams including the power supply that is powered by particle physics technology. Jennifer's medical implants can detect any sickness, disease or injury immediately and manufacture a cure including cells as needed. She has the ability to regenerate any and all body parts. Her brain implant can manufacture unlimited brain cells and constantly maintain and upgrade her brain. She can send and receive messages telepathically anywhere in space and time including instant upgrades to her knowledge base with no time delay. It even tells her what to eat each day to supply the minerals and vitamins she needs to keep her body and electronics operating properly. Jennifer's medical electronics constantly monitor her entire body and brain and sweep it clear of any unhealthy buildups, debris, viruses, diseases or bacteria.  Jennifer Starfield is truly a person from the future.
Jennifer explains to Molly

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